a place for healing 

Ageless Energy Medicine

Ageless Energy Medicine

Ageless Energy Medicine is a profound healing practice that can have direct and life changing impact on the physical, mental, emotional, and energy bodies. It is a combination of practices I’ve woven together over the course of my 26 year career in complementary and alternative medicine and less mainstream healing arts. These sessions are a combination of reiki energy healing, breath work, an intuitive health reading, and an eastern medicine consultation.

Sessions are offered both remotely or in person (see below for details). Each session includes time to catch up on your progress and concerns. Please see below for our Cancellation Policy before booking.


 Why Energy Medicine?

I noticed twenty something years ago, that I have a special ability to connect with people remotely and effect a healing response. I can often “see” their surroundings and sense very clearly where their bodies hold blockages, such as heat, cold, dampness, toxins, and stored up emotional residue; or the after effects of a memory or traumatic experience that lingers in the energetic body and fascia. Through intention and grace, I am able to help direct the transformation and flow of Qi and fluids in those areas to help effect a healing response.

The results I was having when I started out led me to want to understand the workings of these mysterious forces, so I went to acupuncture school. Now, I have even more insight as to how to help people heal themselves by helping them remove, release, and transform patterns, residues, forces, and vibrations through not only energy medicine, but specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations, herbal remedies, and self administered acupressure, mantra, healing visualizations specific to their needs, breathwork, meditation, and yoga practices.

I accept all major credit cards. I do not participate as a provider in any insurance plans, and do not bill insurance. For hours & location, please see here.

What to Expect 

How Ageless Energy Sessions Work



to begin

We start with a conversation about what you’d like to work on. I will ask questions pertaining to your issue, as well as questions that may seem to you to be unrelated. This gives me insight into your constitutional tendencies—your mental, emotional, and physical makeup, if you will. You then get comfortable and completely let yourself rest in the present moment while I tune into you fully, get a sense of where you might have blocked, held, or misdirected energy, and work toward correcting the imbalance. In-person treatments are done on a massage type table, and you lay face up. I combine work in your auric field with hands-on healing. Sometimes I start at the head, sometimes the feet. Touch is very light and non-invasive. Oftentimes I’ll sit at your head and guide you through a visualization and breathing process that helps you transform and release blockages to your well being. These can be physical, Pranic/Qi based, or mental/emotional. This portion of the session runs about half an hour, sometimes more.


During that time, I am able to receive intuitive guidance about you and what you can do on a daily basis to continue to heal and feel better! Feeling better for some people might be physical, others may be struggling mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. The energy flows where it needs to go and I help direct it more intensively, while at the same time being guided by it.

To Close

We close the session by chatting again. This time I relay all of the information I received and any further treatment recommendations. The information I get can be related to what is happening here and now, what caused the initial imbalance, why it perpetuates, and subtle tendencies that you may need a little nudge to recognize in order to release the stored patterning. Sometimes the energy just shifts without further work; sometimes I am able to work with the Qi/Prana and universal intelligence/nurturing to recognize and clear ancestral and karmic patterns. Sometimes you need to process emotionally to fully transform the energetic or make a change to your daily routine or diet.


The effects of the session will last 7-10 days. By that I mean you will most likely undergo a transformative process in that time, resulting in a shift in your awareness leading to greater clarity and ease. Some people will benefit profoundly from one session, so we can schedule that to start and take it from there. Usually clients come back; first in 2 weeks, then in 3-4 weeks to fully work out the pattern.

request an appointment

Ageless Energy Healing Pricing

  • Distance Healing

    This is a remote or distance healing/reading and I like to do it over the phone. This offers flexibility in terms of travel and also minimizes technology issues.

    90 MIN | $195

  • In Person Healing

    In person treatments are done on a massage table lying face up. I combine work in your auric field with hands-on touch which is very light and non invasive. Oftentimes I’ll sit at your head and guide you through a visualization and breathing process that helps transform and release blockages to your well-being.

    60 MIN | $150

  • Follow Up Session

    Some people will benefit profoundly from one session, so we can schedule that to start and take it from there. Usually clients come back. First in two weeks, then in 3-4 weeks to fully work out the pattern.

    45 MIN | $125

Cancellation Policy

Please note that there is a 24 hour cancellation policy. If an appointment is cancelled within 24 hours of it occurring, or you forget to show up, you will be charged a fee of $75. There are no exceptions to this policy and payment is due by the time of the missed appointment. If you do not pay the fee that day you will not be able to reschedule until you do.