Meet-up/Check in - Tuesday, April 16th: 6 -7:30 PM
In this special Spring rejuvenating program we will meet on a regular basis. We will contemplate our needs and goals and set out on a path of achieving them. I will help you do this. You will learn all about your body and your mind both from the Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic viewpoints. You'll get a handle on your personal type, learn how to manage stuck emotions and limiting thoughts, and know what to do when you start to feel sick.
You'll also learn prevention, something lacking in our current support system. We listen to podcasts and read posts, but who really knows who to trust or what to believe? There is so much information out there, but not all of it pertains to us because we're all individuals. Some people can't take probiotics for example, and others have a negative response to ashwagandha or celery juicing.
In this program you'll receive personalized guidance from me during our meet ups and classes. You'll walk away knowing yourself better and those around you. As we go through the Ayurvedic types you'll better understand not just yourself, but your family and friends, which really helps us develop compassion and more equanimity toward their tendencies that rub us the wrong way.
You'll also learn how to build a home pharmacy with supplements, herbs, and other products that you can turn to if you get sick. This cold and flu season kicked in in AUGUST and is STILL in full swing. It's our new normal to have stuff going around all the time. Nature is in the process of balancing and that disrupts our internal flow. Learn about that and how to manage it better. In doing so you will know what to take, what not to take, but better yet, why you are likely to get sick and how to prevent those factors.
There is oodles more to this program. You'll learn how to give yourself an energy healing session, key acupressure points, how to enjoy meditation, get creative again, calm your mind and help your emotions flow. You'll learn why breathing well can be more important than your diet, and what breathing well actually means.
You'll receive a yoga class card as part of the program so that you can learn flow and acceptance with Jenn, and stabilize your core safely with Susan. You'll learn about liver and lung health, the truth about the microbiome, and tips to help boost metabolism. You'll also work with things you feel stuck on and get them moving.
I'll be sharing with you the basics of what I know about health, and we'll all be supporting one another in keeping on track. This is hugely important when changing habits. Some of you may want to alter your diet, some boost metabolism, some lower cholesterol, some may just want to engage in empowering themselves to better care for self and family.
I urge you to ride that hopeful, motivated glimmer that spring often brings and commit to nurturing it into supported action with results that last a lifetime.
I am making this as accessible as possible so it can be available in person, online, and hybrid. I'm also recording all of the sessions so if you need to miss some you won't miss out.